
Culinary Arts II prepares students for occupations and higher education programs of study related to the entire spectrum of careers in the food industry, including food production and services; food science, dietetics, and nutrition; and baking and pastry arts. Topics for this advanced program include basic baking theory and skills, introduction to breads, introduction to pastry arts, nutrition, nutrition accommodations and adaptations, cost control and purchasing, and current marketing and trends. In Culinary Arts II, students are assigned more complex, independent projects and lead work teams. Students showcase their skills when preparing and serving food for events and functions throughout the school year and when operating the Whitewater Landing restaurant.


When You Finish

When completing this program, you may continue your education in 2 and 4-year postsecondary degree programs, join the military, or gain employment in a variety of food service occupations. Dual credits earned in this program are requirements for the Culinarian Certificate at Ivy Tech.


Industry Certifications

ProStart I National Certificate of Achievement
Testing required. Must be bundled with ServSafe Food Handler certification from year 1 to qualify for Technical Honors Diploma and Graduation Pathways certification.


Student Evaluation

After the completion of two years in the program, students are evaluated on technical and essential skills. The Technical Skills Evaluation documents the Culinary Arts Justice skills learned. The Essential Skills Evaluation documents the workplace skills all WCC students learn. The documents were developed by WCC teachers, in cooperation with business partners and industry advisory committees, and are updated each year.


Culinary Arts Technical Skills Evaluation

Essential Skills Evaluation